AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) is aimed to provide health and monetary benefits to Albertans who suffer from a physical/mental disability.

AISH Eligibility

There are certain conditions that are considered to determine whether an individual is qualified for AISH:

AISH Entitlements

Below is an overview of what the person could receive from the AISH benefit:

If you wish to apply for AISH, then we can help you with all the required paperwork and representation. If you are eligible for AISH, then we will make sure that you get the health benefits. We have helped numerous AISH applicants in the past to receive the aid they deserve.

The paperwork and representation is not easy to handle if you are unfamiliar with its aspects.  At  M.J & Associates CS, we oversee that you get everything taken care of, for an affordable price.

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Do you still have any queries regarding our paralegal services? Stop wondering and book a FREE consultation with us right away. Just remember, we are here to FIGHT FOR YOU!